About our company
Gibby's Plumbing Co. was founded in the year of 1980 here in El Paso, TX by Gilbert "Gibby" Monteros, after earning his Texas Master Plumber license (M-11121). Gibby also was a proud U.S. Navy veteran serving with rank/rate of second class petty officer "SEABEE," as a Utilitiesman (UT-22). On May 25, 2023 Our founding father passed away. His son Aaron has continued to run the business, just as he was taught by his father. As his father told him, when I depart this earth, "The show must go on!" The MONTEROS family has been involved and are pioneers in the plumbing industry here in El Paso, TX since the 1920s.
Our family has always had a good reputation when it comes to plumbing service. We strive to meet the needs of our customers to the best of our ability. Customer satisfaction is always our goal. We appreciate the customer base we've developed over the years and hope to serve even more customers as our city is continually growing.
R.I.P. Pop
May 25, 2023

" We Build, We Fight."

The MONTEROS plumbing family 1938

"M-1393" (ret.)